Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 fix for Wordmove
If you guys use Wordmove and just so happen to run into this very annoying error anytime you try to push or pull from a database here's what I did to fix it. Read More
Ultimate WordPress Development Workflow
What coder’s say vs what they actually mean
Running new code for the first time when you haven’t tested it
Bluetooth Audio Sink: Stream Setup Failed
I ran into this problem today after installing Linux Mint only to find out that I had to setup some stuff to get bluetooth working correctly. You can find the packageĀ that will allow you to connect to bluetooth devices here. After installing it and connecting successfully to… Read More
Trying to work after a meeting
Learning through books
I stumbled upon this post by a certain Reddit user that made me rethink the way I should look at learning through books. The tl;dr version is you read books when you are learning new concepts in order to figure out what questions you need to ask. Read More
Fun Puzzles for Programmers
I found this neat article from DataGeneticsĀ that has a bunch of fun puzzles and challenges for programmers. Hints and answers can be found in the article here. 1. Two Bases Challenge: Find three digits X, Y and Z such that XYZ in base10 is equal to ZYX in base9. 2. One Million Challenge: Write 1,000,000 as the product of two numbers; neither of which contains any zeroes. Read More
Fixing RTL8723ae Driver for Ubuntu Linux
Update: If you have RTL8723be and are experiencing difficulties try this I love Ubuntu. XUbuntu to be more specific but it's still Ubuntu. I love it so much I made it my main OS and haven't looked back since. There are a few issues with this driver (RTL8723AE) that I've had to deal with though, and here's one of them. Read More
Making a custom bash prompt
After using XUbuntu as my main OS I loved it, but there was one problem. I got really tired of seeing the ENTIRE directory in the bash prompt, especially when working with Wordpress. For those of you with the same problem here's how I got mine looking nice again: Read More