Supercharge Your Browser for Web Development
Think about common tasks you do in your browser everyday. Open a tab, close a tab, right click on a link to open it in a new tab, duplicate that tab, etc, etc. Usually browsing the web requires a fair amount of mouse or trackpad movement, and that can slow… Read More
Introducing the Cutlass WordPress Starter Theme
I’ve finally finished basic work on a new WordPress starter theme which integrates Laravel’s Blade Templating Engine. I’ve been using WordPress for quite some time now and it’s still my number one resource for building a website. Recently I’ve branched off into learning Laravel due to it’s increasing popularity. One… Read More
Ultimate WordPress Development Workflow
Music to Listen to while Coding
Click here for Part 2! Link to my Spotify Playlist! A lot of people listen to music while coding, including me. The trick is which music will help to create an environment that encourages calm and productive code. Here's a list of the music I listen to whilst coding: Tycho - Extremely calm and mellow. Used for right when I get into the office in the morning. Personally I think his best album is Dive but he's also coming out with more soon! A Walk Adrift Read More
Essential WordPress Plugins
Just like every other person on the internet I've compiled a list of the best Wordpress plugins in my opinion. Read More
Ultimate Guide to Setup a WordPress Server
If you're anything like me server's piss you off. Not because they aren't cool, but because you'll get to a point where you have everything setup the way you want then you run into an issue that nobody on the internet has experienced. Worse still I'll have to start over completely with a new distro because the one you want to use isn't supported by someone or whoever. So this is the Ultimate Guide to Setting up a Wordpress Server for complete noobs who know almost nothing about linux or servers. This setup is a simple LEMP stack designed not to be too complicated for beginners. For more High Performance servers see my other post here. Read More