Zach Adams Web Developer and Programmer

Category: Tips

Keep Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV) in Sync across multiple computers

July 15, 2015

Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV) is a vagrant box designed for WordPress developers to setup a fully-functioning and fully-equipped local development server that can easily manage multiple WordPress sites. VVV is an awesome addition to any WP developers workflow, however one of the problems I had with it was its inability to sync files and databases across multiple computers. This meant that VVV was stuck on the computer it was installed on, and I needed to be able to work with VVV on my work computer and my laptop. Read More

Supercharge Your Browser for Web Development

February 3, 2015

Think about common tasks you do in your browser everyday. Open a tab, close a tab, right click on a link to open it in a new tab, duplicate that tab, etc, etc. Usually browsing the web requires a fair amount of mouse or trackpad movement, and that can slow… Read More

How to Prevent Burnout in IT

January 27, 2015

Burnout is one of the greatest threats to people working in a technical field. Many of us enjoy our work, or at least parts of it, and are willing to work hours that would make others run in fear. In my opinion and experience this is a result of a… Read More