Music to Listen to while Coding Part 2
Click here for Part 1! Link to my Spotify Playlist! Listening to music can provide focus and block out distractions for many coders. Many people have widely varied opinions when it comes to what's best, so I decided to toss my opinion into the mix. I don't tend to listen to all the music of every artist, usually only a few tracks from each, so I will list out each artist I recommend and the top songs I listen to from them. Read More
Music to Listen to while Coding
Click here for Part 2! Link to my Spotify Playlist! A lot of people listen to music while coding, including me. The trick is which music will help to create an environment that encourages calm and productive code. Here's a list of the music I listen to whilst coding: Tycho - Extremely calm and mellow. Used for right when I get into the office in the morning. Personally I think his best album is Dive but he's also coming out with more soon! A Walk Adrift Read More