Zach Adams Web Developer and Programmer

Archive: May 2014

Best Userscripts for Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey

May 30, 2014

For those who don't know, Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey are addons for Firefox and Chrome respectively. They allow you to install scripts that people write and will run on certain pages to include functionality and allow for some pretty nifty stuff! Here are a few of my favorite. Read More

Music to Listen to while Coding

May 30, 2014

Click here for Part 2! Link to my Spotify Playlist! A lot of people listen to music while coding, including me. The trick is which music will help to create an environment that encourages calm and productive code. Here's a list of the music I listen to whilst coding: Tycho - Extremely calm and mellow. Used for right when I get into the office in the morning.  Personally I think his best album is Dive but he's also coming out with more soon! A Walk Adrift   Read More

How to fix WordPress 8080 port redirects with Varnish

May 30, 2014

If you're using the Better WP Security plugin for Wordpress then you're probably wanting to change your backend link from /wp-admin/ to /secret-dashboard or something. However if you have Varnish installed this can lead to problems. Read More

Issue with SEO Ultimate Plugin

May 29, 2014

If you have the SEO Ultimate plugin installed you may have an issue with your SEO ironically. It's a quick and easy fix, if you go to  the plugin options under Open Graph. Read More

Ultimate Guide to Setup a WordPress Server

May 25, 2014

If you're anything like me server's piss you off. Not because they aren't cool, but because you'll get to a point where you have everything setup the way you want then you run into an issue that nobody on the internet has experienced. Worse still I'll have to start over completely with a new distro because the one you want to use isn't supported by someone or whoever. So this is the Ultimate Guide to Setting up a Wordpress Server for complete noobs who know almost nothing about linux or servers. This setup is a simple LEMP stack designed not to be too complicated for beginners. For more High Performance servers see my other post here. Read More

How to replace Spotify

May 13, 2014

A while ago I became frustrated with paying $10 a month to Spotify. Sure it's a fantastic service but I enjoy doing things my way and Spotify's desktop app was very rigid when it came to customization. Read More